Transpilation and Security


Nullstack JavaScript files let Webpack know which loaders to use at transpile time.

NJS files must import Nullstack or one of its subclasses.

If only a subclass is imported, a Nullstack import will be injected at transpile time.

At transpile time JSX tags will be replaced with Nullstack.element.


This extension also allows Nullstack to make free transpile time optimizations like source injection.

🔥 Each file must have only one class declaration.

  • On the server bundle static async functions are mapped into a registry for security.
  • On the client bundle static async functions are removed and replaced with a invoke method.
  • On the client bundle static async functions with the name starting with "_" are completely removed.
  • On both server and client bundles a hash is added to the class and then the class hash is added to a safelist.

🐱‍💻 Bellow an example of a original .njs file.

import List from './List';
import {readFileSync} from 'fs';

class Tasks extends List {

  static async getTasks({limit}) {
    const json = readFileSync('tasks.json', 'utf-8');
    return JSON.parse(json).tasks.slice(0, limit);

  prepare(context) {
    context.tasks = [];

  async initiate(context) {
    context.tasks = await this.getTasks({limit: 10});

  renderTask({task}) {
    return (
        <input bind={task.description} />

  render() {
    return (
          { => <Task task={task} />)}


export default Tasks;

🐱‍💻 Bellow an example of the same transpiled .njs file.

import Nullstack from 'nullstack';
import List from './List';

class Tasks extends List {

  static hash = 'd493ac09d0d57574a30f136d31da455f';

  static getTasks = Nullstack.invoke('getTasks', 'd493ac09d0d57574a30f136d31da455f');

  prepare(context) {
    context.tasks = [];

  async initiate(context) {
    context.tasks = await this.getTasks({limit: 10});

  renderTask({task}) {
    return (
        <input source={task} bind="description" />

  render() {
    const Task = this.renderTask;
    return (
          { => <Task task={task} />)}


export default Tasks;

Alternative extensions

For the sake of convenience, you can also use .jsx, .nts and .tsx file extensions

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