Context Page

  • Type: object
  • Origin: Nullstack Context
  • Availability: server/client
  • readwrite in server/client context

It gives you information about the document head metatags.

page keys will be used to generate metatags during server-side rendering and must be assigned before initiate while this resolved.

The following keys are available in the object:

  • title: string
  • image: string (absolute or relative URL)
  • description: string
  • canonical: string (absolute or relative URL)
  • locale: string
  • robots: string
  • schema: object
  • changes: string
  • priority: number
  • status: number

When the title key is assigned on the client-side, the document title will be updated.

Nullstack uses the changes and priority keys to generate the sitemap.xml.

The sitemap is generated automatically only when using static site generation and must be manually generated in server-side rendered applications.

The changes key represents the changefreq key in the sitemap.xml and if assigned must be one of the following values:

  • always
  • hourly
  • daily
  • weekly
  • monthly
  • yearly
  • never

The priority key is a number between 0.0 and 1.0 that represents the priority key in the sitemap.xml.

Nullstack does not set a default priority, however, sitemaps assume a 0.5 priority when not explicitly set.

Besides title and locale all other keys have sensible defaults generated based on the application scope.

import Nullstack from 'nullstack';

class Page extends Nullstack {

  prepare({project, page}) {
    page.title = `${} - Page Title`;
    page.image = '/image.jpg';
    page.description = 'Page meta description';
    page.canonical = 'http://absolute.url/canonical-link';
    page.locale = 'pt-BR';
    page.robots = 'index, follow';
    page.schema = {};
    page.changes = 'weekly';
    page.priority = 1;

  render({page}) {
    return (


export default Page;

Custom Events

Updating page.title will raise a custom event.

import Nullstack from 'nullstack';

class Analytics extends Nullstack {

  hydrate({page}) {
    window.addEventListener(page.event, () => {
      console.log(`New title: ${page.title}`);


export default Analytics;

🔥 page.event is only available in client functions/lifecycles.

Error pages

If during the server-side render process the page.status has any value besides 200, your application will receive another render pass that gives you the chance to adjust the interface according to the status.

The status key will be raised with the HTTP response.

The page status will be modified to 500 and receive another render pass if the page raise an exception while rendering.

The status of server functions responses will be set to the page.status.

import Nullstack from 'nullstack';
import ErrorPage from './ErrorPage';
import HomePage from './HomePage';

class Application extends Nullstack {

  // ...

  render({page}) {
    return (
        {page.status !== 200 && <ErrorPage route="*" />}
        <HomePage route="/" />


export default Application;

🔥 Assigning to the status key during the single-page application mode will have no effect.

Next Step

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