Context Project

  • Type: object
  • Origin: Nullstack Context
  • Availability: server/client
  • readwrite in the server context
  • readonly in the client context

It gives you information about the app manifest and some metatags.

project keys will be used to generate metatags during server-side rendering and must be assigned before initiate is resolved.

project keys will be used to generate the app manifest.

The disallow key will be used to generate the robots.txt.

The following keys are available in the object and supported as environment variables as follows:

  • domain: string (NULLSTACK_PROJECT_DOMAIN)
  • name: string (NULLSTACK_PROJECT_NAME)
  • shortName: string (NULLSTACK_PROJECT_SHORT_NAME)
  • color: string (NULLSTACK_PROJECT_COLOR)
  • backgroundColor: string
  • type: string
  • display: string
  • orientation: string
  • scope: string
  • root: string
  • icons: object
  • favicon: string (relative or absolute url)
  • disallow: string array (relative paths)
  • sitemap: boolean or string (relative or absolute url)
  • cdn: string (NULLSTACK_PROJECT_CDN)
  • protocol: string (NULLSTACK_PROJECT_PROTOCOL)

Besides domain, name and color all other keys have sensible defaults generated based on the application scope.

If you do not declare the icons key, Nullstack will scan any icons with the name following the pattern "icon-[WIDTH]x[HEIGHT].png" in your public folder.

The head meta tag apple-touch-icon will be set to your icon-180x180.png file.

If the sitemap key is set to true your robots.txt file will point the sitemap to https://${project.domain}/sitemap.xml.

The cdn key will prefix your asset bundles and will be available in the context so you can manually prefix other assets.

The protocol key is "http" in development mode and "https" in production mode by default.

// server.js
import Nullstack from 'nullstack';
import Application from './src/Application';

const context = Nullstack.start(Application);

context.start = function() {
  const { project } = context; = 'Nullstack';
  project.shortName = 'Nullstack';
  project.domain = '';
  project.color = '#d22365';
  project.backgroundColor = '#d22365';
  project.type = 'website';
  project.display = 'standalone';
  project.orientation = 'portrait';
  project.scope = '/';
  project.root = '/';
  project.icons = {
    '72': '/icon-72x72.png',
    '128': '/icon-128x128.png',
    '512': '/icon-512x512.png'
  project.favicon = '/favicon.png';
  project.disallow = ['/admin'];
  project.sitemap = true;
  project.cdn = '';
  project.protocol = 'https';

export default context;

More about the context.start at application startup

// src/Application.njs
import Nullstack from 'nullstack';

class Application extends Nullstack {

  prepare({project, page}) {
    page.title =;


export default Application;

💡 You can override the automatically generated manifest.json and robots.txt by serving your own file from the public folder

Next Step

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